Average Cost Of Paint Per Litre. This happens so often. Is around 144 square feet so if you factor in other painting supplies needed plus a single gallon of Benjamin Moores Regal Select Interior Paint itll cost. Finally divide the number by the square metre per litre listed on your paint tin or in the online product information. The Asian Paints 1-litre price begins from Rs 150 and can go up to Rs 600.

Mid-Sheen Farm Oxide Paint. 10 sq metres per Litre depending on application method. If the painting job is going to take several days then you may be quoted a day rate which is usually around 190 per. Is around 144 square feet so if you factor in other painting supplies needed plus a single gallon of Benjamin Moores Regal Select Interior Paint itll cost.
DuluxSuperCover Ceiling White is the best-selling celling paint with superior MouldGuard technology and extra white formulation whose cost is INR 3850- 20 litres.
The Emerald Latex Paint. The paint cost would be 28. Note Dilution Rate Approximately 20-30 sq. Is around 144 square feet so if you factor in other painting supplies needed plus a single gallon of Benjamin Moores Regal Select Interior Paint itll cost. Meters per 50 Litres for Textured Finish. So thats your how much paint.