Can I Add Water To Latex Paint. What happens if you add too much water to paint. That container of half-used latex paint isnt a lost cause just because its clumpy chunky or thicker than expected. Latex is a type of water-based paint which you can thin using water. For tinting you can use another latex or acrylic paint or color from a tint tube.

In blog posts and workshops the warnings can seem dire. Ad Get Paint Can. Yes you can distress furniture paint with regular flat latex paint. A flat latex paint is easy to sand and you can use my vinegar and water distressing technique.
Yes you can distress furniture paint with regular flat latex paint.
What happens if you add too much water to paint. That container of half-used latex paint isnt a lost cause just because its clumpy chunky or thicker than expected. If you use a second latex paint add 12 cup at a time. I stirred it with the thin end of an artists brush and I was able to paint with it and use the paint. Add too much water we are told and the acrylic binder will break down causing paint to flake off or adhesion to fail. As youre adding your water stir your latex paint slowly and keep using the up-down-spiral movement with your stir stick to ensure the water and paint is well mixed.