Can I Thin Acrylic Paint With Paint Thinner. Acrylic medium is commonly much thinner than acrylic paint by itself. Acrylic paints are easy to thin as they are water-based. Similarly adding more or less medium to acrylic paint creates different qualities. Search Faster Better Smarter at ZapMeta Now.

Acrylic paints are easy to thin as they are water-based. Mineral spirits are more effective. Water acts as an acrylic paint thinner which then enhances the spreadability of the paint. Ad Find Instant Quality Info Now.
A lot of the brand name very expensive model paints are already thinned.
I think the thing with using the newer acrylic primers is that they come in diffrent colors allowing for preshading and modulationBut I. A lot of the brand name very expensive model paints are already thinned. However acrylic medium will not breakdown the paint like water or regular thinner. Similarly adding more or less medium to acrylic paint creates different qualities. The airbrush thinner is to help thin out your airbrush acrylic paint while paint extenders made by paint manufacturers only make the paint. Tamiyas water based acrylic paint can be thinned with their proprietary X20-A acrylic thinners iso-propyl alcohol IPA distilled water and Ive even shown.