Can I Use Any Colored Pencils With Shrinky Dinks. You can use colored pencils on your shrinky dinks since the drawings do not bleed when exposed to heat. You can still use a Sharpie on the slick side for a neat 3D effect. Ad Find Instant Quality Info Now. The average temperature to bake your Shrinky dinks in the oven.

The key to getting vibrant designs with colored pencils is to lightly sand the shrink plastic to score it. They are also a great option since they allow. Some polystyrene items such as number 6 plastic can be used. I printed out my words on paper put the shrinky dink over it and traced with a fine point sharpie cut it out in the shape of a heart colored the heart with colored pencil.
When they shrink the colors on your artwork become more condensed making them darker.
Keep in mind that colors darken as the plastic shrinks. Can you use water based markers on Shrinky Dinks. When heated shrink plastic reduces in size. Keep in mind that colors darken as the plastic shrinks. What side do you color on Shrinky Dinks. Ad Find Instant Quality Info Now.