Can You Add Water To Paint Primer. From then on anytime you repaint youll be able to use water-based paint. Always prime when using water-based over oil-based paint. Ad Temporary roadways for concerts events that protect your grass. 10 Brilliant Hacks for Your Best-Ever Paint.

When priming over bare cedar or redwood allow 24 hours dry time before painting. Some can be recoated with finish paint in less than an hour. Bulls-Eye 1-2-3 Primer effectively blocks stains from grease handprints asphalt crayon graffiti rust stains light water stains and cedar or redwood bleed. Always prime when using water-based over oil-based paint.
From then on anytime you repaint youll be able to use water-based paint.
There are a few specialty water-based primers that youd be able to use on top of oil-based paint but generally you cant. Apply one to two coats of an oil-or water-based bonding primer and dry according to product directions. But I would recommend applying a primer before painting the acrylic painted surface to ensure that the enamel paint. In which case you can simply paint over the pained surface with the enamel paint. Using a paint primer will actually speed up the job not slow you. From then on anytime you repaint youll be able to use water-based paint.