Can You Run Water Through A Paint Sprayer. The manufacturer of Thompson Water Seal recommended that you use their product with a plastic sprayer with a brass wand such as our Chapin Premier sprayer. Remove the spray tip and tip guard from the gun. Be sure your paint area is well-ventilated. Likewise do you dilute paint when using a sprayer.

Step 2 Mix one part paint to 3 parts water in your sprayer. How do you thin water based paint. Paint sprayers advertise that whenever the sprayer is pressurized the seal is strong and no outside air will get into the paint. Often one can run some lacquer thinner through the pump for awhile and get out most of the old dried debris if the sprayer does not have too much in it.
Place the drain tube into a waste pail.
Ad Get Can Water. To effectively clean your plastic sprayer after application run mineral spirits through it first and then follow up with water. With the gun pointed into the paint. Most latex paints are water-based and thick and need to be heavily diluted before you can spray them. Place the fluid intake into flushing fluid. Get Instant Quality Info.