Do You Have To Add Water To Oil Paint. Using a lean medium more water will result is faster drying because you have less oil. Remember that any water that you have added to the paint as water or in a WMO medium will evaporate quickly and then the oil will start to dry just like conventional oil.

Using a lean medium more water will result is faster drying because you have less oil. Remember that any water that you have added to the paint as water or in a WMO medium will evaporate quickly and then the oil will start to dry just like conventional oil.
Remember that any water that you have added to the paint as water or in a WMO medium will evaporate quickly and then the oil will start to dry just like conventional oil.
Using a lean medium more water will result is faster drying because you have less oil. Remember that any water that you have added to the paint as water or in a WMO medium will evaporate quickly and then the oil will start to dry just like conventional oil. Using a lean medium more water will result is faster drying because you have less oil.