Do You Have To Water Down Paint To Spray. When is the Paint Sprayer Paint. To thin the paint you can go for 20 water and the paint should spray fine. For spray applications quite a bit of water is normally required to enable the paint to work effectively with the spray. You can also add water to paint in a very small quantity for some normal applications and for application via spray.

Some Guidelines when Thinning Paint for Sprayer. When is the Paint Sprayer Paint. To thin the paint you can go for 20 water and the paint should spray fine. However if for some reason you use an airless system to spray oil-based paint the paint does not need to be thinned before application.
Some Guidelines when Thinning Paint for Sprayer.
To thin the paint you can go for 20 water and the paint should spray fine. You can also add water to paint in a very small quantity for some normal applications and for application via spray. For spray applications quite a bit of water is normally required to enable the paint to work effectively with the spray. When is the Paint Sprayer Paint. To thin the paint you can go for 20 water and the paint should spray fine. However if for some reason you use an airless system to spray oil-based paint the paint does not need to be thinned before application.