How Do I Thin Acrylic Paint For Pouring. To thick to thin. When buying an acrylic paint simply look for paint. Water breaks down the binder in acrylic thinning the paint so that it. Can Acrylic Paint be Thinned.

Pour the paint into the bucket. Performance coatings unmatched in corrosion protection durability and chemical resistance. Can Acrylic Paint be Thinned. Here are the steps to using water for thinning your acrylic paints.
If you are working with thick paints it is advisable to thin the paints with a fluid acrylic.
Acrylic paints can be thinned by adding water a pouring medium or using an acrylic binder. How to use Airbrushing Acrylic Paints. When youre trying to pour. A great approach for thinning Heavy Body paints without a loss of film strength is to first mix a thin acrylic medium such as GAC 100 with water 1 part medium to 15 parts water and then use this mixture to thin the paints. Using water to thin your acrylics is a simple easy and inexpensive way to make paint easier to work with when youre pouring. One tablespoon of water.