How Much Do Painters Charge In South Africa. In the end a contractor will either charge a going rate or daily rate. Ad Vote deserving recipients for the 2021 Community and Human Rights Awards. For a small residential roof you can expect to pay R80 per sqm. Others may even charge.

The cost will vary based on the painter. Others may even charge. For a small residential roof you can expect to pay R80 per sqm. The most common mistake South Africans make when painting their homes.
Cost to Paint a House.
2021 CAHR Awards Voting Ends. Our Friendly Professional Staff Are Here to Answer All of Your Immigration Questions. Average cost per square metre in south africa. Once youve determined how much paint you need figure out how much your paint will cost. 315 1 315 315 3 945 Get your final estimate per room A painters. Average cost of tiling per square metre in south africa Gold.