How Much Is It To Spray Paint A Car In South Africa. Whether you require spot touch ups or extensive resprays our versatile paint. Painting a car yourself will cost anywhere from 100-1000 depending on the type of paint you use and how many materials you need to purchase beforehand. A shallow dent more or less the size of R5 coin. Bravo Spray Paint Fast Drying Lacquer - Metallic Gun Metal.

Very basic panel resprays can start around the 250 mark and reach into the thousands if you have a complex metallic paint finish on your vehicle or dents. Ford Everest Auto Accessories Bonnet scoop R Head light trims R 39900 LED head light trims R 94900 Tail light trims R 49900 Bonnet Scoop R2 19900 A-Line mag wheels from R 6 99900 Windshields gloss black R 39900 front Windshields gloss black R 39900 rear LED Grille R 2 19900 Nudge. 9cc Dual Action 3 Airbrush Air Compressor Kit Craft Cake Paint Art Spray. Duplicolor Paints and Sprays.
Car modification laws in South Africa arent clear which is why you have to think twice before you enhance your vehicle as you could be.
We might be able to repair and respray only the damaged. We might be able to repair and respray only the damaged. Car modification laws in South Africa arent clear which is why you have to think twice before you enhance your vehicle as you could be. Bravo Spray Paint Fast Drying Lacquer - Metallic Gun Metal. Then it can cost from R2500 upwards. Daily labour cost for a painter.