How To Flatten Paint By Number Canvas. Unroll the canvas and carefully iron it on high to remove any wrinkles or creases. You should lay your canvas face down onto a thick towel and mist the back of the canvas. Browse discover thousands of brands. Direct contact with a hot iron can easily blemish your favorite paint by number kit.

You only need to iron on high and keep the iron face up. How To Flatten A Paint By Number Canvas Ledg. We recommend masking tape to mitigate any residue that may be left on the flat surface or canvas. How to flatten Paint by Number canvas.
If you do have spaces where the numbers are peeking through light colored paint wait until your paint is fully dry and then revisit those spots with the tiniest brush over the numbers only.
Unpack your paint by number kit and lay out the canvas paints and brushes on a flat surface. Browse discover thousands of brands. Congratulations on framing your first Paint by Number Canvas. 1 How to Flatten a Paint by Numbers Canvas. DO iron your canvas. Iron on high without steam.