How To Make Your Own Paint By Number Canvas. For example if we have a small pot of red paint marked with the number 1 we will use that color for all areas of the canvas. Through paint by numbers you can learn to become a better artist by improving your paint by numbers skills and perfecting your hand coordination. Choose from hundreds of pre-made paint by number designs or create your own custom paint by numbers. To create a painting using a paint by number kit you will need to match the numbers on paint-boxes with the numbers on the board.

This is a fantastic way to undergo your very own challenge by using your art skills and then continuing your project by completing the paint by number you have made. Take a Photo of Your Canvas before you Start Painting. To create a painting using a paint by number kit you will need to match the numbers on paint-boxes with the numbers on the board. With the photo editor she did a little cropping and a lot of softening.
Click around with your mouse to select different colors.
Unroll the canvas and carefully iron it on high to remove any wrinkles or creases. Click around with your mouse to select different colors. The more colors you pick the more detail your paint by numbers template will have. Use our handy guide on what steps to take towards creating your very own paint by numbers. With the photo editor she did a little cropping and a lot of softening. Click the PBNify button and wait awhile for it to convert your.