Is Colouring Hair Harmful. Find Hair Coloring Colors. Ammonia is one of the most commonly known toxic ingredients in hair dye. Toxic hair dyes contain two key components. The first time I had my hair professionally colored.

Or It leads to blindness Or it can cause cancer. Almost all brands had at least one or 2 of these chemicals. This can be very harmful to your eyes and you even risk going blind. Hair color causes allergic reactions because permanent hair dyes contain paraphenylenediamine which is a common allergen.
Coloring Hair During Pregnancy.
Many women are hesitant to color their hair during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth due to the presence of so many chemicals in hair. This can be very harmful to your eyes and you even risk going blind. Toxic hair dyes contain two key components. However when experimenting with hair color. Chemicals in hair dye that are harmful. It is even better if you use natural hair dyes like henna or beetroot juice.