Is Hair Dye Bad For Your Brain. Studies looking at a possible link between personal hair dye use and the risk of blood-related cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma have had mixed results. Hair dyes chemical-laden shampoos and conditioners may also be using these emissary veins to deliver dangerous toxins into the brain. Avoid Known Toxins in Hair Products Lead acetate is a color additive that can be found in hair dyes and some conditioners that gradually change hair color otherwise known as progressive hair dye. However studies looking at people who have their hair dyed have not found a consistent increase in bladder cancer risk.

We found no increase in risk of any brain tumor with hair dye use prior to 1980 in men or women among women using permanent dye. However studies looking at people who have their hair dyed have not found a consistent increase in bladder cancer risk. For example some studies have found an increased risk of certain types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma but not others in women who use hair dyes. Avoid Known Toxins in Hair Products Lead acetate is a color additive that can be found in hair dyes and some conditioners that gradually change hair color otherwise known as progressive hair dye.
Avoid Known Toxins in Hair Products Lead acetate is a color additive that can be found in hair dyes and some conditioners that gradually change hair color otherwise known as progressive hair dye.
For example some studies have found an increased risk of certain types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma but not others in women who use hair dyes. Hair dyes chemical-laden shampoos and conditioners may also be using these emissary veins to deliver dangerous toxins into the brain. We found no increase in risk of any brain tumor with hair dye use prior to 1980 in men or women among women using permanent dye. Studies looking at a possible link between personal hair dye use and the risk of blood-related cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma have had mixed results. For example some studies have found an increased risk of certain types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma but not others in women who use hair dyes. However studies looking at people who have their hair dyed have not found a consistent increase in bladder cancer risk.