Make Your Own Coloring Book With Digital Pictures. The app converts your photo to a black and white drawing ready for you to add your colors using the painting tools. How to make a coloring book in 5 simple steps. Dont create pictures that have a lot of small details that will need to be colored. Import your photo into Illustrator.

Change up the copy and font. Click Pages on the bottom toolbar to add more pages up to 30. With the digital colors removed the black and white outlines make great coloring book pages. At this stage you will turn the new layer into a negative of the original photo.
Design a colouring page on with the Draw Tool.
Double click the name Layer 1 to highlight the text. Double click the name Layer 1 to highlight the text. I experimented with a few images using the Artsy effects to create my very own coloring book pages and let me just say it was a little more fun than it was meditative. There are lots of ways to personalize your photo book templates. For Tumblr Facebook Chromebook or WebSites. Just pick a photo.