Price Of Car Paint Per Litre. Up to 30 - 40 sq. You can choose from the Ace series Apex. One needs to paint. Mid-Sheen Farm Oxide Paint.

ASIAN PAINTS ROYALE ranges are the premium quality luxury paints with antibacterial technology Teflon surface protection and finishes such as high sheen soft sheen smooth matt and dead matt range of paints pricing from INR 859- 1 litre. Meters per 50 Litres for Textured Finish. DuluxSuperCover Ceiling White is the best-selling celling paint with superior MouldGuard technology and extra white formulation whose cost is INR 3850- 20 litres. Metres per 50 Litres depending on the contamination of the substrate.
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There is no real one size fits all answer because the type of paint you use the size of the car and gun you use will all be contributing factors that aside I have a general rule of thumb as I will list below. ASIAN PAINTS ROYALE ranges are the premium quality luxury paints with antibacterial technology Teflon surface protection and finishes such as high sheen soft sheen smooth matt and dead matt range of paints pricing from INR 859- 1 litre. Or 1200ml for 2799. They are available in a wide range- each finish to suit different weather conditions. Finally if you enter the paint price per gallon or per litre the output will include the total price of the paint required. The estimated cost is 1200 to 2200 and the warranty is for six months to a year set by the paint manufacturer.