Should A 2 Year Old Be Able To Read. At 2 years old a stranger should be able to understand what your child is saying around 50 of the time. At this age she can form sentences two or three words long and can follow two-step requests. Keep in mind that kids develop at their own pace and on their own timetables. Over the course of this year.

Your two-year-old not only understands most of what you say to him but also speaks with a rapidly growing vocabulary of fifty or more words. Should I be concerned that my 2-year-old doesnt say many words and is hard to understand. During this stage toddlers should be able. By age 2 most kids are talking.
Answer From Jay L.
At age 2 children can learn from high-quality educational programs but they should watch no. Although sh is in a lot of words a 6 year old reading. During this stage toddlers should be able. These books cost money to buy but you can get them free for review. Answer From Jay L. Get your books for free and get paid for reviews.