Should Kindergarteners Use Fat Pencils. Yes pre-schoolers should use fat pencils. They will produce better results and make the process of writing less stressful or painful. However there is a lot more to it than that. They will suit the level of muscle development in their hands much better than thin pencils.

They will produce better results and make the process of writing less stressful or painful. However there is a lot more to it than that. Yes pre-schoolers should use fat pencils. Before they even begin with fat pencils children should use.
Thats the short answer.
Before they even begin with fat pencils children should use. However there is a lot more to it than that. Before they even begin with fat pencils children should use. They will produce better results and make the process of writing less stressful or painful. They will suit the level of muscle development in their hands much better than thin pencils. Yes pre-schoolers should use fat pencils.