The Color Purple Important Quotes With Page Numbers. He beat me today cause he say I wink at a boy in church. P1 You better not never tell nobody but God. In the end of the book Celie gives Shug a tour of her room which is painted purple which represents her journey and how she recognizes her. Trying to chase that old white man out of my head.

I think it pisses God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and dont notice it. I been so busy thinking bout him I never truly notice. He dont want a wife he want a dog. Always going on over colored.
In the end of the book Celie gives Shug a tour of her room which is painted purple which represents her journey and how she recognizes her.
Always going on over colored. All he think about since us married is how to make me mind. Itd kill your mammy. Now Millie he say. Something struck in me in my soul Celie like a large bell and I just vibrated. Letter 12 Quotes I.