What Is The Best Paper To Use For Colored Pencils. Get Instant Quality Info at iZito Now. There are a variety of paper types that are well-suited for colored pencils. In this case you need a higher quality paper that is archival. Watercolour paper is one of my favourite types of paper to use with coloured pencils.

They do a range of high-quality papers. This means that the pigments are rated from 1 - 8 as opposed to the ASTM D6901 which is the specific standard for colored pencils. Get Instant Quality Info at iZito Now. Many people consider a sanded paper of this type to be the best paper for coloured pencils - so lets read about Peters experience and thoughts.
They do a range of high-quality papers.
Gamsol and Smooth Paper. Ad Get Color Pencils. This means that the pigments are rated from 1 - 8 as opposed to the ASTM D6901 which is the specific standard for colored pencils. In this case you need a higher quality paper that is archival. The stonehenge multi pad is a real winner. Solvents are useful tools for colored pencil artists because they work with most pencils on most papers.