What Is The Color Purple Based On. Symbolic Significance in Walkers The Color Purple. Ad Search for The Color Purple Celie. While most people know The Color Purple as the highly acclaimed 1985 movie directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Danny Glover. The Color Purple.

Something as simple as the color purple should be enjoyed in life as it is a gift. Thus while the characters. The Color Purple is written by the famous Afro-American female writer Alice Walker. Ad Search for The Color Purple Celie.
Thus while the characters.
The color purple is often associated with royalty nobility luxury power and ambition. Something as simple as the color purple should be enjoyed in life as it is a gift. The color purple is often associated with royalty nobility luxury power and ambition. The novel The Color Purple is itself not based on a real story. Genre Epistolary novel confessional novel. In an attempt to redeem himself Albert retrieves his hidden savings of cash goes to the immigration bureau and secures the safe return of Celies family.