What Not To Feed My Pet Rat. Rats also require a supplement of animal protein. Raw red cabbage and brussel sprouts. Raw dry beans or peanuts. Licorice suspected to cause neurological poisoning in rats.

Do not feed the following please note that this is not an exhaustive list. Raw red cabbage and brussel sprouts. Additionally approximately 80 of a pet rats nutrition should come from a commercial rat food hamster or mice foods dont cut it and the remaining 20 from fresh fruits veggies and treats. Licorice suspected to cause neurological poisoning in rats.
Licorice suspected to cause neurological poisoning in rats.
Do not feed the following please note that this is not an exhaustive list. Green bananas inhibits starch-digesting enzymes. Rats also require a supplement of animal protein. Do not feed the following please note that this is not an exhaustive list. Licorice suspected to cause neurological poisoning in rats. Raw red cabbage and brussel sprouts.