Why Is Purple Important For Lent. Purple is a kingly color which is why they put it on Jesus to mock Him. The liturgical colour of Lentthe six-week time of preparation for the celebration of Easter which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends. Purple is also or has become the penitential color for the Church it is also the color worn. Thus the association of purple with royalty is critical to our liturgical use of it during Lent.

The liturgical colour of Lentthe six-week time of preparation for the celebration of Easter which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends. Purple is a kingly color which is why they put it on Jesus to mock Him. On a closely related note purple has. Purple is also or has become the penitential color for the Church it is also the color worn.
Purple is also or has become the penitential color for the Church it is also the color worn.
Purple is a kingly color which is why they put it on Jesus to mock Him. On a closely related note purple has. Thus the association of purple with royalty is critical to our liturgical use of it during Lent. Purple is a kingly color which is why they put it on Jesus to mock Him. Purple is also or has become the penitential color for the Church it is also the color worn. The liturgical colour of Lentthe six-week time of preparation for the celebration of Easter which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends.